Now you can purchase parts for your Hushpuppy King Machine on line. Click here for detailed drawing. Ordering information along with instructions on how to care for your machine is included on this page.
Purchase your very own Hushpuppy King Machine NOW! This Machine is a must for anybody that has to make a large number of hushpuppies. Not only is it faster it makes it safer. There is no direct contact with the grease. All you have to do is turn the handle and hush puppies spit out like nobodies business.
(You might even call it a hushpuppy Gatlin Gun)
To clean your Hushpuppy Machine or to change out roller assembly:
set machine upside down on table
remove chain guard #6
remove gear clip #15
remove roller cap and wing nuts #7 & #18
remove cutter, spring and bar assembly #9
(long spring hooks on small pin on side of machine)remove roller assembly #8
(if roller assembly has two small pins, these point up during assembly and should go on first)replace parts in reverse order
Call 256-497-3739 to order replacement parts foryour hushpuppy machine today!
Just ask for Johnny or Jerry.
Or write to us at:
Hushpuppy King 22245 East Yorkshire Dr Athens, Alabama 35613